Reasons to Run in the Rain

Get out there, no matter what the weather. Some reasons to run in the rain...

1) There is truely is something magical at a base level that goes back to childhood about running in the rain. I remember once my friends mum gave us raincoats and icecream containers for our heads and said “Go!” and we played for ages in bare feet, in the rushing water and pouring rain. Get back to basics and just go jump some puddles (or run through them even better).

2) Sometimes running in the rain can make you forget about pace and time and the “what if’s” of running and just concentrate on the here and now. Jumping puddles can do that.

3) It feels powerful “being out there” when everyone else is sooking at home about the weather. Someone said once that one of there motivations for never missing a session is knowing that their competitors will be out there training – be that competitor they’re talking about!

4) What have you got to lose? Your hairstyle? (my hair nowdays only makes appearances on special occasions!). And no, my makeup is not going to run, in fact pure rainwater is probably good for the soul and skin. But don't forget the Body Glide for chaffing though ;)

5) Rain is so much more appealing than the Australian burning sun that you can probably see me bursting with enthusiasm when I see those little rain drops on the weather forecast. Bring on the rain and less UV thanks!

6) You can see it as being washed clean, thoughts, emotions and all negativity.

7) It's great practice for a race in the rain - you cannot guarantee perfect conditions so you must train for that.

8) Most importantly, you get to run – how lucky are you!? Every run I am grateful. I am not going to miss a run because water is falling from the sky, no way! Be happy you have the chance to get out there and do something for yourself, step out and embrace the rain as it embraces you.

Just don’t start me on wind that’s a completely different story, grrrrr wind.